Ushbu qoidaga ko’ra, bu yerga yig’ilishga kelgan har bir shaxs muhokamadan olingan ma’lumotlardan bemalol foydalanishi mumkin.
Ammo biron bir fikr aynan kim tomonidan bildirganini oshkor qilishga ruxsat etilmaydi.
Mazkur qoida bahs-munozaralarning ochiqligini oshirish uchun yaratilgan.
Qoida 1927 yil iyun oyida paydo bo’lgan Qirollik xalqaro munosabatlar institutining Londondagi shtab-kvartirasi nomi bilan atalgan muammoli mavzular bo’yicha muhokama panellarini o’tkazish tizimidir.
“Markaziy Osiyo: va Axborot mustaqilligiga yo‘l” nomli davra suhbatida ishtirok etish sharafiga muyassar bo‘ldik. 2024 yil 10-11 iyun. Chatham House, London, Buyuk Britaniya

Under this rule, anyone who comes to a meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any particular comment.
It is designed to increase openness of discussion.
The rule is a system for holding debates and discussion panels on controversial topics, named after the London headquarters of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, where the rule originated in June 1927.
It was great honor to take part in the Round table «Central Asia: and the Path to Information Independence», Chatham House, London, United Kingdom. June 10-11, 2024.