Abstract. Information agencies in Uzbekistan play a key role in the development of the country’s image. Because they differ from other national media platforms, audience coverage, content of distributed content and the seriousness of the issues raised. This article analyzes the materials of the leading news agencies of Uzbekistan in terms of their influence on the image of the country.

Key words: image, country, news agency, Internet, media space, materials, foreign languages, cognitive aspect.


Currently, there are 1726 means of the media in Uzbekistan, of which four are news agencies. This article focuses on the two leaders in Uzbekistan – the information and news agencies of Uzbekistan and world.

Doctor of Philology, H. Dustmuhamedov, said: “Over three centuries, traditional print media, over a century, radio and television, which all capacities are the same is struggling to deal with it, as far as possible, (seeking to consolidate it), and it became clear that in the twenty-first century, it was a powerful tool that would eventually unite all the people of the earth. “[Dustmuhamedov, 2013. 39]. In this sense, the Uzbek scientist pays special attention to the role of information in the modern civilization and its power.

At the same time, when the public awareness is accelerated, and in the wake of globalization, it is necessary to pay attention to the dichotomical aspect of development of international relations, that is, two unrelated ones [ sreda, 22.04.2015 – 22:52]. On the one hand, the adoption of common values, international principles and principles of international politics is gaining momentum. On the other hand, it is struggling to maintain identity, national values ​​and culture among these subjects.In this struggle for mutual press, States are mobilizing all opportunities, including media, non-governmental organizations, network organizations, transnational movements, the Internet, SMS and other “gadgets” of the 21st century.

Most importantly, the impact of information on the mind of the audience is taken into account. In this sense, the cognitive aspect of the media image is evident. On 1 January 2016, the total number of media outlets in Uzbekistan reached 1437. As of June 1, 2019, the dynamics of these indicators can be observed, as 332 web-sites are registered as the media type []. That is, the total number of media outlets is 1726, out of which 533 new news sites. The number of news agencies is 5. That is to say, mass media are trying to disseminate information about the great achievements of our country to the world community. In this process, our media are using modern technology, in particular, Internet and satellite capabilities.

In this chapter, we will analyze the impact of the most important agencies in our country – the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan – UzA and Dunyo (“Jahon”), through their official websites. Special attention is paid to these leading news agencies, including the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan –, which we are studying on effectively using the Internet.In recent years, a number of business development projects have been launched by our “messaging factories” such as the UzA and the World News Agency. For example, the traditional genres of news such as news, news, interviews, articles, and photographs are becoming more up-to-date. Also, their attention is paid to translating them into foreign languages. Another noteworthy aspect is that they have the latest technological skills in the process of transmitting them to countries around the world, and the initial results are achieved.

At the same time, this is the widely-widespread question that is widely published worldwide that the writing style of articles and materials is in line with international standards, criteria, wishes and needs in terms of creative skill. What has been achieved in this regard and what shortcomings are waiting for their solution? What are the opinions of ordinary audiences on the subject?

In this sense, if we look at the official websites of our national news agencies, it is possible to analyze the current achievements and deficiencies in part.

It should be noted that the UzA ( site has grown up with a large number of leading foreign languages. Here, in the current period, news about the life of our republic is distributed worldwide, in addition to Uzbek, in all Russian, English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese languages, all official languages ​​of the United Nations. It can be said that the design of the site corresponds almost to modern requirements. It’s important, it’s handy. It is worth noting that regular work on its perfection is ongoing.

Among the most important achievements of UzA, one of the most popular social networking sites in Twitter is its ability to penetrate deeper into students. Another important step is the mobile version of this webpage for a number of years. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the Agency is one of the few media outlets in Uzbekistan that broadcast news on mobile phones and small gadgets.

The site of the World News Agency ( is working in Russian, English, Uzbek (Arabic until April 2015). The site features President, Legislation, Multimedia, Press Releases, Politics, Economics, Society, Science, Important Events and History, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Ecology. In addition, there are some information about the great figures of the Uzbek people.

Website design has been redesigned several times, modernized. Although the general news flow is less than that of UzA, its scope, coverage of international relations is extensive. It is important that the author’s works, especially in matters of international politics, give rise to commentary on articles and materials.

However, the websites of the above agencies do not include “turn-based” articles. Also, some reports lack efficiency.

There is no way to keep track of any major political upheavals in the world, the changes, or the ongoing events in this Web site.

Theoretically, American scientist G.Lasswell has created a model of the information-communication model (Lasswell’s model) in 1948 []. According to him, any information should answer five interconnected questions: who? what about what channel to whom what effect does it report? However, the news that is being distributed does not always follow the same basic laws of journalism. Perhaps these requirements do not seem to have to do with it at all, but for any foreign reader, first of all, clarity is needed. Whether the abstract is abandoned, the information or information will be lost immediately.

Doctor of Philology M. Khudoyqulov considers the press, the analysis and the influence factors of the press as the social tasks of the press are three components [Hudoyqulov 2011, 31]. Indeed, it is not possible to have any kind of media coverage in this or that image. The picture then becomes a substantive analysis. A strong, substantial analysis enhances the readability of the media. To obtain these conditions, the author is required to experiment, work, seek and work. Otherwise, the number of visitors to these sites, as it is mentioned on the web pages, will continue to grow, though time passes.

Let’s look at the following report. According to the national search engine (19.02.2016), the average daily number of visitors to will reach 3500 people. It is a pity that the number of daily fans of is less than that of a total of 300 people (in addition to the site Facebook, the results of the research conducted by social network. ).

The results of the monitoring conducted in June 2019 show that UzA site has at least 1,900 users per day and more than 27,000 customers [ Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.].

The site’s bottom line is 35, and the top does not exceed 270 [ Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.].

Audience coverage of both agencies can be very low compared to popular news sites in the country. For example, has 470,000 websites a day, and is entering 70,000 visitors.

We will now focus on some of the materials that are being distributed by these agencies.

The abstracts of the articles in the Uzbek language of the UzA site are, in principle, methodologically very inaccurate, and in most cases they repeat each other. For example, on June 21, 2019, the two headlines are very close to each other: “Uzbekistan delegation attends international conference in Vienna” “Uzbekistan delegation visits Norway”. Worst of all, the same title appears again during the newscast (17.06.2019): “Uzbekistan delegation attends the 7th International Meeting of CBRN Centers of Excellence”.

Unfortunately, such a methodical drawback distracts foreign readers and does not serve to increase their interest in news from this agency.

The title of the article, published by the Agency on June 21, 2019, may not be of interest to a modern reader: “On the way to ensuring the quality of scientific research” The news says that a press conference was held at the High Attestation Commission. The text is covered in the same way as when writing off duty. However, innovations in the field could be made interesting. It is noteworthy that the correspondence of the correspondent of UzA correspondent [”On the way to ensuring the quality of scientific research”-21-06-2019. Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.].

It should be admitted that on June 22, 2019, the Uzbek language was found in the Uzbek language: “The Uzbek art gymnasts are still unique in Asia” [ Uzbek – gymnasts – -engineering-22-06-2019].

The author tried to overestimate the superiority of our athletes in this unprecedented international competition. “As we have already reported, Asian championship on rhythmic gymnastics continues in Pattaya, Thailand,” wrote UzA correspondent. “In the final of the tournament, athletes from 18 countries of the continent, such as Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, South Korea, China, Japan, Kazakhstan, will try their skills. Thus, members of the national team of Uzbekistan are leading in the unofficial team event, winning three gold, one silver and one bronze medal at the Asian Championship. The next places were occupied by teams from China, Japan and Kazakhstan. ”

In general, the news on sports is evident in the country’s image, particularly in its cognitive aspect. That is, it serves to enrich the idea that “Uzbekistan is a sport well-developed”.

The World News Agency has published a report titled “Doing business with Namangan” has successfully completed the international investment forum “Doing business with Namangan” published in English on June 11, 2019 [http: // dünynews .uz / en / economy / 316/54376 /. Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.]. The conference will focus on a major economic theme held in Namangan on 7-8 June. It is noted that 500 investors from 40 countries participated in it.

It is natural that these materials are of interest to foreign readers, especially investors, in the event of a delay of 3 days. Because in Namangan there were no major investment conferences in this format.

In a Russian version of the website, June 19, 2019, the group was called “Band Havas”, which was called “The Initiative of India” (Band called.”Havas” Hits the Heart of the People of India”) [ 54541 /. Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.]. At the Mahatma Gandhi Museum in Rajjat, Gujarat, a concert program was organized in honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of a great politician, and the group of artists from Uzbekistan was amazed by their purely Indian insights to more than 500 spectators.

Indeed, the bamd “Havas” is very popular among Indian public in the media space. They participate successfully in various popular TV shows and gala concerts (B.A.).

It should be noted that such information indicates not only the development of cultural relations. Perhaps it can strengthen the perception of the fact that the people of India are “very strong in the art of the public”.

The article “Foreign journalists familiarizing themselves with Navoi Free Industrial Economic Zone” is available on the Uzbek language page on June 20, 2019 [ Appeal date: 23.06.2019y.].

It was noted that on June 20, 2019, at the invitation of Navoi FIEZ Director Habib Abdullayev, accredited representatives of foreign mass media arrived in Navoi region. During the visit, journalists will get acquainted with the economic activities of the region and recent processes in it, visit the organizations operating in the region, meet with the regional and Navoi EIZ leadership.

In our opinion, it would be a good idea to invite foreign media representatives to direct production, construction sites and separate economic zones. Because foreign reporters often prepare specific reports for their own media after such press-tours. Most importantly, they are used to writing news stories, eyewitness accounts, and eyewitness accounts. Naturally, the objective condition is not virtually nullified. However, in some cases, foreign correspondents have not been able to see themselves, and, of course, they are not allowed to see, but sometimes they do not even try to fabricate the objects they want to see.

Thus, in the above example, many more points can be made about the achievements and shortcomings of news agencies posted on their websites, their qualitative level of media, their linguistic and methodological characteristics. However, the opinions of ordinary students and professionals in Uzbekistan and abroad on the current status of news agencies are extremely valuable here.

In general, some of the national news agencies mentioned in this article are increasingly active in the websites of the republican newspapers. These include:,,,,,, However, observations show that they are not updated on a regular basis.

Another important issue. Regional newspapers published in provinces and districts of the Republic have been expanding the number and geography of their students through the Internet. In this regard, such sites as “Zarafshan”, “Andijonnoma” are leading.

The most serious problem is the skill of writing journalistic materials. In other words, creative skill is one of the most important conditions for covering any topic, including those that are aimed at raising the country’s external image. Analyzes have shown that our authors should be able to meet the modern world-class professional skills, as well as writing a wide range of articles and commentary from simple news to the world’s people. It is clear that special attention should be paid to factors such as shape, language, tone, style of expression, author position. If the same requirements are met, the creativity of our authors will provide the expected effect.

At the same time:

-radically update information programs broadcasted in foreign languages ​​in TV and radio programs, to be brought to world standards;

-On the national web sites, which are analyzed, it is necessary to carry out some additional technological and methodological work, including updates that meet modern requirements and tastes (eg video and audio on-line or off-line);

-Agencies should arrange online press conferences on topical issues of interest to national and foreign journalists;

-as well as regular media briefing and  for foreign media representatives.


By Beruniy Sultonovich ALIMOV

PhD, docent

Uzbek State World Languages University

Tashkent, Uzbekistan,



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